Friday 16 September 2016

Theme 3: Research and theory

For Theme 3 I chose to examine an article by Jelle Mast called Negotiating the “real” in reality shows: production side discourses between deconstruction and construction as it examines and analyzes contemporary concepts in a well-known area – the TV industry.
The writing explains how reality shows are in fact fragmented reality by supporting its claims via statements made by interviewees. The people who have been cited in this project are either working in this branch or have participated in those formats which helps the reader to gain knowledge about the true nature of reality shows while relying on what the interviewees have directly experienced.
Programs are being promoted as reality ones or “true to life” as the audience easily identifies with their subject but before reaching the public, what is promoted as real has actually been first attentively cut, edited and ‘coloured’ by passing the stages of deconstruction and reconstruction.
 Being an entertainment kind of program, reality shows are following the limits set by the televisual space. Even though they try to present real experiences and behavior, there is already set algorithm of a storyline since the producers want to meet the expectations of the audience and modulate their experience. Both the participants of the show and the audience can be triggered emotionally.
The show relies on the participants’ ability to project reality while they use certain acting tricks in a way to be more expressive. This is why they are also known as social actors.  
The deconstruction consists of cutting certain dialogue, the use of decors and complex editing skills so that it is made to emphasise on certain parts of the reality. The spectator is able to see only chosen reconstructed fragments and witness certain type of behavior.

It is all about capturing true events, real sounds, speech, people and then cut some of their “truth” to create an alternative reality. 

Describe the major theory or theories that are used in your selected paper. Which theory type (see Table 2 in Gregor) can the theory or theories be characterized as?

Theoretically the article is looking on the problem in a broad way so that certain points can be further observed and be subject to more in-depth analysis but in my opinion it successfully defends its thesis of the deconstructive and constructive nature of the reality shows. The main concept is divided in several points each of which is supported by the interview of certain specialist in the field it affects or a person affected by its outcome. However, I feel that the article lacks of information on why and where this tendency originates from.
In my opinion it is based on the theory of explanation since it focuses on answering how reality is negotiated and how its constructs lead to an empirical product (empirical in means of being what is shown without gaining objective knowledge of its entireness).
There is a relationship between action and social structure with the analysis of the stages done to the product before it reaches the audience and explanation on why it is done so – the audience to be entertained via the effects of sound design and editing and also to identify and feel. 
Furthermore, I found the usage of interpretative theory since the phenomena of interest is explained from the point of view of the ones who have actually experienced it in a real world situation.

Briefly explain to a first year university student what theory is, and what theory is not.

Theory is the systemized argumentation of certain phenomena of interest, which creates a view and provides knowledge about it.
The Information Systems Theory in particular identifies and analyzes the connection between empirical results with human behavior. Depending on which area of a process the theory focus and to which questions it gives answers, it can be classified into types. In the IS sphere the types are 5 – theory of analyzing, of explaining, of predicting, of predicting and explaining and of design and action.

Theory cannot be defined as such if it does not answer the question why. It provides information on why certain occurrence or non-occurrence happens and if it lacks logic, consistency and in-depth presentation to all of its constructs and the relation between them, then it can be classified as a simple hypothesis. Furthermore, references, diagrams or data itself cannot be specified as theory as they rather construct it and are part of it than being able to exist on their own creating a whole image of phenomena.

Which are the benefits and limitations of using the selected theory or theories?

The benefits of selected theory is that it can be explored in a bigger depth focusing on the problem it is resolving. It answers certain questions and concentrates on them without focus-shifting. The wider the topic and the sphere it affects, the bigger the options for the development of new sub-theories. 
By specifying the type of theory, one can easily reach his/her knowledge of interest as he is to be guided by the points of interest it specifies. What is also beneficial is the reach to set of specific outcomes instead of gaining general conclusion as this hides the risk of missing essential knowledge.
In Scientific Research in Information Systems: A Beginner's Guide
While observing the classification of theories Jan Recker states theory depends on the nature of the problem, question or phenomenon being addressed which I think is like that so it can reach its ultimate goal that specifies what the theory is for.
However, this still causes limitations as the IS uses theories which are applicable in a big range of disciplines outside its sphere and in many cases there is need for customized algorithms to be developed.

Used sources:
1.    Mast, J. (2016) Negotiating the ‘real’ in ‘reality shows’: production side discourses between deconstruction and reconstruction, Media Culture and Society Vol. 38. Available at: (2016/09/13)

2.     Recker, J. (2013) Scientific research in information systems a beginner’s guide. 11th edn. Berlin: Springer.

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